カテゴリー: poetry

what she wears

Photo by Noelle Otto from pexels

on the bed in her tiny room,
she can be free.

she wears a necklace of loneliness,
a ring of disappointment,
and clothes of repentance.

every night,
she falls asleep, feeling thorns of what she wears.

her routine is like punishment to burn her soul.
her routine is like a drug to make her keep living.

カテゴリー: poetry


Photo by Markus Spiske from pexels

she can see a lake in the desert.
she can listen songs of tiny birds in serenity of darkness.
she can touch the warmth of the moon in a cocoon of coldness.

she can fall asleep with relief that childhood her wanted to feel.

カテゴリー: poetry


Photo by Siobhan Dolezal from pexels

in darkness,
i wanna be the light.

i would rather be the light than be given the light.

so, i’m always in darkness.

i’m crouching in darkness,
accumulate energy to be the light in darkness,
and then,
still i’m in darkness.

カテゴリー: poetry

The Sound

Photo by david ortega from pexels

i have never heard the sound of flowing blood.

although i know the warm touch,
i don’t know the sound like someone’s scream.

i have never heard the sound of circulating blood.

although i know the macabre red,
i don’t know the sound like wolves’ howl.

カテゴリー: poetry


Photo by Sergey Okhrymenko from pexels

do you know that there is hate even in me?

But after my death,
hate changes to just ash.

It might sink to the sea,
or it might become the energy of trees.

do you know that even hate changes to ash?

After my death,
hate changes to just ash.

So, I keep it only in my heart
until the day when it changes to floating ash.

Because I don’t want everyone to see how ugly it is.
Because I don’t want everyone to see how miserable it is.

Because I want to see its end only by my eyes.

カテゴリー: poetry

Her Friend

Photo from pexels

she draws dawn at midnight,
and draws midnight in dawn.

she tries not to see view that everyone sees.

she tries not to feel hope that everyone feels.

she wears loneliness,
and falls asleep, hugging midnight.

she lives at midnight,
and dies in dawn.

カテゴリー: poetry


Photo by cottonbro studio from pexels









カテゴリー: poetry

March 9th

Photo by Belvair Nash from pexels

the soft sunlight from the sole window
makes me feel spring.

a chain that ties my heart breaks.

in spring,
my desire and despair
are meaningless.

i’m just cocooned in spring.

i’m just listening to whispers of tiny birds.

even if i die,
spring never dies.

even if i keep living,
spring is spring.

i can’t be a part of spring,
but spring is always a part of me.

Dear great spring,
please be my friend just for today.

カテゴリー: poetry

March 1st, Momentary Decision

Photo by Galina N from unsplash

before spring comes,
i must imagine spring
so that i decide whether i go back to winter or not.
if spring that i imagined is so cruel,
i will hug winter eternally.
if spring that i imagined is so hopeful,
i will be wrapped in spring unconditionally.

カテゴリー: poetry

The Curtain in March

Photo by Lucas Allmann from pexels

breeze that I feel with you
reminds me of spring noon,
even when now is cold night.
the curtain makes a shape of the warmest memory with you,
and leads me to the happiest moment.
listening to your heartbeats,
i leave every inch of me to breeze like velvet.